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"西" 的 英語 翻譯




'深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍塘西第二工业区A区G栋6楼608号' 的 翻译为: No. 608, 6th floor, building g, zone a, gushutang West Second Industrial Zone, Xixiang street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen。
'虎豹騎於馬上各自配合兩側,持盾格擋,斬馬刀直接擊殺。,他們渾身重甲,草原胡騎的彎刀刀砍不入,只能帶起一片火花。,而虎豹騎一刀下去,敵人不死即傷。,草原胡騎前鋒幾乎一瞬間死傷慘重。,而因為預感不妙、悄悄脫離本陣,躲在草原部落聯軍後方的拓跋明牙狼。,親眼看著本部的兩萬精銳勇士,就這麼被射死一萬,又被陣斬一萬。,竟然就這麼簡單的全軍覆沒了。,一時間頭暈耳鳴,“哇”的一聲嘔出一口鮮血來。,寧胡雙方的騎兵已經完全交織在了一起,互相廝殺而過。,一人最多出一刀一槍,就插身而過。,前排的西凉鐵騎不斷地伸槍收槍,刺收刺收。,然後馬匹踏過敵人的屍體,後方馬上有虎豹騎補上。,不同於手持粗大騎槍、以正面衝鋒威力見長的西凉鐵騎。,虎豹騎一手持斬馬刀,一手持箏形盾。,是舉世無雙的重甲近戰騎兵。,與西凉鐵騎這種重甲衝擊騎兵相比。,虎豹騎在發動一輪衝鋒後,可以憑藉靈活的騎術和矯健的近戰技巧,從敵軍內部中心開花。,攪得他們天翻地覆。,給極度依賴衝鋒的西凉鐵騎營造衝破敵陣、再度衝鋒的機會。,更不用說虎豹騎【虎豹雷音】這個兵種特性,配上夏侯惇【拔矢啖睛】技能的效果。,可以以極快的速度' 的 翻译为: The tiger and leopard ride on the horse, cooperate with each other on both sides, hold a shield to block, cut the saber and directly kill.,They were heavily armoured, and the machetes of the grassland horsemen could not cut in, but could only bring a spark.,When the tiger and leopard ride down with a knife, the enemy will be injured if he doesn't die.,Grassland Hu Qi forward was killed and injured in an instant.,And because of bad premonition, Tuoba Ming Fang Lang quietly left the formation and hid behind the grassland tribe coalition.,The 20000 elite warriors who watched the film were shot to death and beheaded by the array.,It was so simple that the whole army was destroyed.,For a time, dizziness and tinnitus, "wow" vomited a mouthful of blood.,The cavalry of Ning and Hu have been completely intertwined and fought with each other.,At most, one person stabbed and shot, and then stepped in.,The Xiliang cavalry in the front row kept extending and withdrawing his gun, stabbing and withdrawing.,Then the horse stepped over the enemy's body, and there were tigers and leopards in the rear.,It is different from the Xiliang cavalry with a heavy lance and good power of frontal charge.,The tiger and leopard ride with a machete in one hand and a Zheng shaped shield in the other.,It is an unparalleled heavy armored close combat cavalry in the world.,Compared with the heavy armor impact cavalry of Xiliang iron cavalry.,After launching a round of charge, the tiger and leopard can blossom from the internal center of the enemy with flexible riding and vigorous melee skills.,It turned them upside down.,It creates an opportunity for the Xiliang cavalry, which relies heavily on charging, to break through the enemy line and charge again.,Not to mention the effect of Xia Houdun's skill of "pulling the arrow and eating the eyes", which is the characteristic of the arms of tiger and leopard riding [tiger and leopard thunder].,At a very fast speed。
'物 料 标 签,品 名: 龙 骨 ,规 格: 统 装 ,净含量: 50kg ,产 地: 山 西 ,采收(初加工)时间: 2022年6月 ,供货单位: 亳州市晟龙药业有限公司 ,质量状况: 合 格' 的 翻译为: Material label,Product Name: keel,Specification: unified installation,Net content: 50kg,Origin: Shanxi,Harvest (primary processing) time: June 2022,Supplier: Bozhou Shenglong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,Quality status: acceptable。
'上海市金山區金山衛鎮南陽灣路1068號第4幢118室,蘇州工業園區中新路57號1幢502室,蘇州吳中經濟開發區興南路18號,蘇州相城經濟開發區春興路50號,江蘇省蘇州高新區金山路131號,蘇州市吳中區甪直鎮吳淞南路86號,蘇州高新區科技城雁蕩山路88號,苏州工业园区仁爱路166号,江蘇省蘇州工業園區金雞湖大道99號蘇州納米城西北區NW12幢301室,中国(江苏)自由贸易试验区苏州片区苏州工业园区金芳路18号东坊创智园地B3栋1楼、3楼,蘇州工業園區聯豐商業廣場1幢1197室' 的 翻译为: Room 118, building 4, No. 1068, nanyangwan Road, Jinshanwei Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai,Room 502, building 1, No. 57, Zhongxin Road, Suzhou Industrial Park,No. 18, Xingnan Road, Wuzhong Economic Development Zone, Suzhou,No. 50, Chunxing Road, Xiangcheng Economic Development Zone, Suzhou,No. 131, Jinshan Road, Suzhou high tech Zone, Jiangsu Province,No. 86, Wusong South Road, Luzhi Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou,No. 88, Yandangshan Road, science and Technology City, Suzhou high tech Zone,166 Ren'ai Road, Suzhou Industrial Park,Room 301, building nw12, Northwest District, Suzhou nano City, No. 99, Jinjihu Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province,1st and 3rd floors, building B3, Dongfang Chuangzhi garden, No. 18 JinFang Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou area, China (Jiangsu) pilot Free Trade Zone,Room 1197, building 1, Lianfeng Commercial Plaza, Suzhou Industrial Park。
'蘇州市高新區科技城錦峰路9號,杭州市余杭區杭州余杭經濟技術開發區振興東路12號,昆山開發區弘基財富廣場1號257室,鎮海區蛟川街道鎮甯西路101弄58號,寧波市鎮海區駱駝街道勝光路168號,浙江省宁波市江北区长兴路199号4幢B234室,寧波市鄞州區啟明南路289號,浙江省寧波高新區院士路66號創業大廈455室,浙江省宁波市鄞州区姜山镇和益村(鄞工智能制造产业园2#楼4-1室),浙江省慈溪市逍林鎮樟新南路,浙江省寧波市鄞州區首南街道都市工業園,福建省漳州市長泰縣經濟開發區興泰工業園區' 的 翻译为: No. 9, Jinfeng Road, science and Technology City, high tech Zone, Suzhou,12 Zhenxing East Road, Yuhang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Yuhang District, Hangzhou,Room 257, No. 1, Hongji Fortune Plaza, Kunshan Development Zone,58, Lane 101, Zhenning West Road, Jiaochuan street, Zhenhai District,168 Shengguang Road, Luotuo street, Zhenhai District, Ningbo,Room b234, building 4, No. 199, Changxing Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province,No. 289, Qiming South Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo,Room 455, Chuangye building, No. 66, academician Road, Ningbo high tech Zone, Zhejiang Province,Heyi village, Jiangshan Town, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province (room 4-1, building 2# of Yingong Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park),Zhangxin South Road, Xiaolin Town, Cixi City, Zhejiang Province,Shounan street urban industrial park, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province,Xingtai Industrial Park, economic development zone, Changtai County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province。
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