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"【净心神咒】太上台星,魔燮惫停题邪缚魅·保命濩身智慧明净,心神安字" 的 英語 翻譯


[pure heart mantra] taishangtai star , The evil spirit · Keep your life, keep your body bright and clean , The heart and mind are tranquil, the three souls are eternal, the soul is not lost, and the urgency is like the law


'【净心神咒】太上台星,魔燮惫停题邪缚魅·保命濩身智慧明净,心神安字三魂永固﹐魄無丧倾,急急如律令' 的 翻译为: [pure heart mantra] on the Taixing stage, moxie stops talking about the evil spirit. Baoming is bright and pure in body wisdom, tranquil in mind, three spirits are eternal, and the soul is not lost. It is as urgent as the law。
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